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    Bradley Arthur


    Social Practice Text-based Artist

    broken image

    A recognized sculptor and text-based artist, Bradley Arthur discovered his voice in this current body of work by integrating language and the Internet into platforms for civic engagement.  For over 50 years the artist has been challenging and exploring the boundaries of his craft. His work has won commissions for Art in Public Places and five(5) of his metal sculptures are in the permanent collection of the Yale University Art Gallery. He is a featured sculptor in the recently published book on the history of sculpture in Florida,

    "Florida Sculptors and Their Work: 1880-2020

    A PDF from the book on Arthur is here.

    For more info: BradleyArthur.com


    His groundbreaking artistic journey moves from exhibition space to cyberspace. This new body of work uses "digital text/domain names", chosen not for commerce alone but to engage audiences to participate in the responsibilities of a Democracy. Civic engagement with voter-centric call-to-action online destinations are the core elements of his new series in this collection.


    The domains are works of linguistic flow and utility designed to elevate the current election dialogue. By creating innovative voter outreach media to reach people deeper, many works are proactive, call-to-action phrases that align with what the artist feels and is concerned about. Words are Internet addresses expressing intuitive values to engage citizens to participate in protecting Democracy. His voice advocates for the voices of others and unlocks new avenues for online interaction. Each domain becomes a portal for positive citizen engagement, providing an online space, to connect, inform, discuss, inspire, and support the American people to channel concerns into constructive action